
Putting the original above the ordinary • Going hard (even when working from home) • Customer focused • Communicating (it’s true – even my wife agrees) • Star Wars pub quizzes • Getting the results you want

My alter ego might be a daggy dad, but as a working professional I’m a creative director with over 20 years’ worth of experience at my back. Accumulating a small sack of awards along the way, I’ve led design and content solutions for a bunch of local and global clients across a range of different industries: from B2B to household-name consumer brands. (Check out some of them here.) Based in Sydney but serving clients across state lines, my current client portfolio includes Engineers Australia, the Australian Water Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

All my projects I run through the design thinking process – a handy little hack which involves facilitation, analysis, concept exploration, refinement and delivery. At the end of this process, out pops a creative outcome that puts one-dimensional visual concepts to shame. At no point during the project do I lose sight of the audience’s desires and needs. It’s this obsession that keeps my creativity from going on the rampage: keeping me grounded during overarching creative direction, ideation, pitching and presenting, and right down to the brass tacks of content creation.

Friendly, upfront and firing on all imagination cylinders, I get my kicks from finding new, compelling ways to tell stories. And, while I’m deadly serious about executing your project with efficiency and excellence, I also reckon there’s ample room to have fun along the way. Great minds and good times go together too.

The skillset

Brand Identity • Bid Documents • Employer Branding • Print ready press ads • Brochures / Posters / Flyers • Image Retouching • Typography • Social Media design • Infographics • eBooks & Whitepapers • Magazines • Websites • Display banners EDMs/eNewsletters

The toolbox

InDesign Photoshop  Illustrator  Premier Acrobat Microsoft Office Suite WordPress Squarespace UX Design Prototyping After Effects Premiere Pro

Academic Lecturer at The University of Sydney

As a part-time Academic Lecturer in Publication Design, I have a fantastic time working with postgraduate media students at Sydney University’s School of Art and Communication. It’s a joy to teach on campus and dive into the exciting world of contemporary design with them!


